Constitution of the Unincorporated Not-for-Profit Association for:
Neighbour to Neighbour: the Online Thrift Store and Free Monthly Giveaway Events
Article I: Name
The name of this association shall be ‘’Neighbour to Neighbour: More than a cup of sugar."
Article II: Purpose
The purpose of this association is to operate an online thrift store and organize free monthly giveaway events to support and meet the needs of low-income families and individuals within our community. Our aim is to provide affordable items through our thrift store and essential goods through our giveaway events, fostering a sense of community and support.
Article III: Membership
1. The association shall consist of one member, the founder, who shall have the authority to make decisions and conduct the affairs of the association.
2. Membership in Neighbour to Neighbour is open to individuals who share the mission and goals of the association. To become a member, an individual must express their interest in supporting the activities of the association to the founder and be approved by the founder. Membership does not entail any financial obligations.
Membership in the association shall end under the following circumstances:
- Upon the voluntary withdrawal of the member, which must be communicated in writing to the founder.
- If a member no longer shares the mission and goals of the association, as determined by the founder.
- In the event of the member's passing or incapacitation.
Members of the association shall have the following rights:
- The right to participate in association activities and events.
The right to provide input and feedback on the direction and activities of the association.
- The right to access information about the operations and finances of the association, subject to reasonable confidentiality considerations.
- The right to nominate individuals for volunteer positions within the association, subject to approval by the founder.
- The right to petition the founder for changes or amendments to the constitution or other matters concerning the association.
Article IV: Governance
1. The founder shall serve as the governing body of the association, responsible for making decisions regarding the operation and management of the thrift store and giveaway events.
2. Decision-making within the association shall be collaborative and inclusive whenever multiple members are involved. In such instances, all members shall have the opportunity to voice their opinions, concerns, and suggestions before a decision is reached. The decision-making process shall prioritize consensus-building and respectful dialogue among members to ensure that the collective interests and goals of the association are upheld. In the event of disagreement or deadlock, the founder shall have the authority to make a final decision, striving to maintain transparency and fairness in the decision-making process.
Article V: Operations
1. The founder shall oversee the day-to-day operations of the online thrift store, including but not limited to, sourcing and listing items for sale, managing transactions, and coordinating shipping or delivery.
2. The founder shall also be responsible for organizing and hosting the free monthly giveaway events, including securing donations, coordinating volunteers, and distributing goods to recipients.
3. Volunteer positions within the association shall remain open to the public who share the mission and goals of the association. Volunteers shall be selected by the founder based on their dedication, skills, and commitment to furthering the objectives of the association.
Article VI: Funding
1. The association shall rely on donations, proceeds from the online thrift store, and any other fundraising activities approved by the founder to fund its operations and activities.
Article VII: Amendments
1. Amendments to this constitution may be proposed by the founder or by a majority vote of the members, should membership be expanded in the future. Proposed amendments must be submitted in writing to the founder and shall be considered at a general meeting of the association.
2. Amendments shall be adopted upon receiving a two-thirds majority vote of the members present at the general meeting, provided that notice of the proposed amendments has been given to all members at least [insert time frame, e.g., "thirty days"] prior to the meeting.
3. Any amendments to this constitution shall become effective immediately upon their adoption, unless otherwise specified in the amendment itself. Amendments shall be recorded and maintained alongside this constitution for reference.
Article VIII: Dissolution
1. In the event of dissolution, any remaining assets shall be distributed to charitable organizations or initiatives that align with the mission of the association, as determined by the founder.
Article IX: Adoption
1. This constitution shall be adopted upon its approval by the founder of the association.
Article X: Effectiveness
1. This constitution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption.
We, the undersigned, hereby adopt this constitution as the governing document of Neighbour to Neighbour on this 14th day of February 2024.
[Founder's Signature]
Michelle Brady
[Founder's Printed Name]